The Steering Committee approves the Strategic Plan of the Single SEZ

26 July 2024

The Strategic Plan of the Single SEZ was approved this morning during the meeting of the Cabina di Regia ( The Steering Committee) in the presence of Council President Giorgia Meloni.

The adoption of the Strategic Plan marks the beginning of year zero of the Single SEZ, which is endowed with a unified and wide-ranging strategy while taking into account territorial diversity. A project that draws a great unified and competitive air of investment attraction.

The Plan defines the development policy of the southern regions that fall under the Single Economic Zone, identifying the sectors to be promoted, those to be strengthened, investments and priority interventions of the Special Economic Zone. The initiative aims to support not only the establishment of new production activities but also the growth and development of existing ones.

The document identified nine supply chains to be strengthened (agribusiness, tourism, electronics&ICT, automotive, Made in Italy, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, shipbuilding and shipbuilding, aerospace and rail) and three technologies to be promoted (digital technologies, cleantech and biotech).

The Plan is the result of a participatory process initiated by the ZES Mission Structure, which involved intensive dialogue with central government, the regions, representatives of local government, Anci, Upi and the economic-social partnership. In parallel, a high-level technical group was set up composed of representatives designated by institutions and associations such as CNEL, Bank of Italy, European Investment Bank, OECD, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, ISTAT, Censis, Confindustria, Svimez, Assonime.

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